SiPhox Health vs InsideTracker

No appointments, lines, needles, or phlebotomists—just a 5-minute at-home test for key healthspan and longevity biomarkers. Instead of testing biomarkers with little health insight or those that rarely change, we focus on the most important ones—delivering the same health insights with lower cost and minimal blood draw.

(Quarterly subscription)
How the test is done
No Appointment Required
No Travel Required
Overall test time5 minutes45-90 minutes (incl. commute+wait time)
Test frequencyEvery 3 months
Price per test$165$348
What's in addition to the test
Personalized Insights
Access to Coaching
Prescription Management
Custom-Tailored Supplements
Insights on Past Blood TestsFree$149
Wearable Integration

Join 20k+ Others On Their Health Journey

Backed By Leading Experts in Health Optimization


Paul Thompson, MD


Ben Bikman, PhD


Your privacy first. Always.

  • HIPAA-grade security

    HIPAA-grade security

    Our servers meet or exceed all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. Your sensitive information is protected by industry-leading safeguards.

  • Zero Data Selling Policy

    Zero Data Selling Policy

    We have a strict no-sell policy for your personal information. Your data remains yours, period.

  • Complete Data Control

    Complete Data Control

    Delete your personal information from our servers at any time. We respect your right to data ownership and provide easy-to-use tools for data management.

Frequently asked questions: